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FieldCare SFE500 - universal device configuration

FieldCare SFE500

Universal device configuration

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    • Programsoftware

    FieldCare SFE500 Package

    Version - 1.40.01

    New version available in English

    Complete FieldCare Package (USB-Stick image) with FieldCare SFE500 (Payware), DeviceCare (Freeware), CommDTMs, Endress+Hauser and 3rd party DeviceDTM libraries, FDI Package library, Heartbeat DTM.

    • Producentoplysninger (MI)

    FieldCare - Package Version 1.41.00 Manufacturer Information

    Engelsk version - 12/2024

    New version available in English

    FieldCare - Package Version 1.41.00 Manufacturer Information Manufacturer Information for users regarding software updates ( following the NAMUR recommendation 53) New software version: FieldCare - package version 1.41.00 includes FieldCare 2.19.00 ,<br/ >DeviceCare1.08.08, FDI Package library 2.01.00, iDTM HART library and iDTM FOUNDATION Fieldbus library V2.0.299, Flow Verification DTM V2.01.00, Endress+Hauser IO-Link device library (IODDs) Echo Curve Viewer 6.01.01

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