Thermometers and transmitters for the process industry
Endress+Hauser offers a complete assortment of compact thermometers, modular thermometers, thermowells, measurement inserts, transmitters and accessories for all types of process industries such as Oil & Gas, Chemicals, Food & Beverage, Life Sciences, Primaries & Metal, Power & Energy.
Highest plant availability & safety through most reliable sensor technology & traceable, accredited calibrations
Cost savings & process optimization through fast, robust & highly accurate iTHERM sensors
Lowest operating expenditures through seamless integration, easy handling and long lifetime
Trouble-free plant certification through international approvals
User-friendliness and expert's support through all stages of the life cycle
Temperature measurement
Our product finder helps you to search for suitable measuring devices, software or system components via product characteristics. Applicator leads you through an individual product selection via application parameters.
TM411 - Når hastighed og nøjagtighed er en æressag
TM411 - Når hastighed og nøjagtighed er en æressag
Ved at skifte til den nye type temperaturføler TM411, har Christian Hansen opnået en forbedring af temperaturovervågningen.
Verdens første selvkalibrerende temperaturføler
Verdens første selvkalibrerende temperaturføler
iTHERM TrustSens - Verdens første selv-kalibrerende temperaturføler!
Moderne løsninger til temperaturmåling
Moderne løsninger til temperaturmåling
Endress+Hauser tilbyder et komplet sortiment af kompakte temperaturfølere, modulære termofølere, termorør, måleindsatser, transmittere og tilbehør til temperaturmåling til alle typer procesindustrier.
Temperature measurement for the process industry
Temperature Measurement - Thermometers and transmitters for the process industry