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Picture of Coriolis flowmeter Proline Promass O 300 / 8O3B for the oil and gas industry

Proline Promass O 300
Coriolis flowmeter

Robust high-pressure flowmeter with a compact, easily accessible transmitter

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Oversigt over specifikationer

  • Max. measurement error

    Mass flow (liquid): ±0.10 % (standard), 0.05 % (option)
    Volume flow (liquid): ±0.10 %
    Mass flow (gas): ±0.35 %
    Density (liquid): ±0.0005 g/cm³

  • Measuring range

    0 to 2 200 000 kg/h (0 to 80 850 lb/min)

  • Medium temperature range

    –40 to +205 °C (–40 to +401 °F)

  • Max. process pressure

    PN 250, Class 1500

  • Wetted materials

    Measuring tube: 25Cr duplex (Super Duplex), 1.4410 (UNS S32750)
    Connection: 25Cr duplex (Super Duplex), 1.4410 (F53)


Promass O is designed for premium accuracy of liquids and gases at the highest process pressures in the oil and gas industry. The sensor is fully suitable for offshore conditions and resistant to stress corrosion cracking. With its compact transmitter Promass O 300 offers high flexibility in terms of operation and system integration: access from one side, remote display and improved connectivity options. Heartbeat Technology enables safe processes.

  • Measuring principle operates independently of physical fluid properties such as viscosity or density

  • For premium accuracy at highest process pressures, fully suitable for offshore conditions

Device properties

  • Measuring tube in 25Cr Duplex, 1.4410 (UNS S32750)

  • Process pressure up to PN 250 (Class 1500)

  • Nominal diameter: DN 80 to 250 (3 to 10")

  • Compact dual-compartment housing with up to 3 I/Os

  • Backlit display with touch control and WLAN access

  • Remote display available


  • Maximum safety – highest resistance to stress corrosion cracking

  • Fewer process measuring points – multivariable measurement (flow, density, temperature)

  • Space-saving installation – no in-/outlet run needs

  • Full access to process and diagnostic information – numerous, freely combinable I/Os and Ethernet

  • Reduced complexity and variety – freely configurable I/O functionality

  • Integrated verification – Heartbeat Technology


  • Heartbeat Technology
    Smart instrumentering via Heartbeat Technology

    Ønsker du at give anlæggets ydeevne et boost og reducere omkostningerne? Vores udvalg inden for smart instrumentering med Heartbeat Technology tilbyder dybdegående instrumentindsigt, som sikrer omkostningseffektivitet og driftssikkerhed.

  • Ethernet-APL logo
    Ethernet-APL portfolio

    Ethernet is ready for the process industry: Ethernet-APL ensures a high cable length, an easy installation and explosion protection. This makes high-speed communication possible in the field.


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