Safe phosphate elimination with minimal effort
Compliant monitoring with turnkey container solution
For monitoring, control and regulation of phosphate elimination at the WWTP in Breuberg-Hainstadt, the Unterzent – Untere Mümling wastewater association opted for a complete turnkey solution using measuring containers from Endress+Hauser.
Guaranteed compliance with the stipulated low limit values of 0.5 mg/l for total phosphorous and 0.2 mg/l orthophosphate due to accurate measurement using the molybdenum blue method, which is on a par with laboratory measurements.
Cost-savings due to high-precision metering of costly precipitant for phosphate precipitation based on rapid phosphate measurement.
Framework conditions

The Breuberg WWTP must the governmental requirements and observe the limit value of 0.5 mg/l for total phosphorous and 0.2 mg/l for orthophosphate in the plant‘s outlet. This is because phosphate is an essential ingredient that promotes the growth of plants and algae in our waters and can even lead to eutrophication and ultimately fish mortality. The measuring devices must therefore fulfill rigorous requirements; not only do they have to be highly accurate, hey should also be easy to maintain.
Our solution
Endress+Hauser delivered a complete turnkey solution in the form of a measuring container. The core components of this measuring container are an analyzer for total phosphorous for monitoring the outlet of the WWTP and an analyzer for orthophosphate for monitoring and rapid control of the phosphate elimination process.
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